The Silver Turtle

Sunday, March 27, 2005


Friday night I went to a Chuck's Junk show. The guys played really tight all night long. Joe's playing was just right there in the pocket.

When you're a musician, you see other great players and either get inspired or discouraged. I'm sure it's the same with athletes or painters or whatever. Most musicians hear phenomenal players - guys with chops beyond belief - and leave with that senes of awe and a renewed desire to better themselves. I'm no different.

Hearing playing like that, not always the most technically difficult, but just so right... that's a hundred times more inspiration to me. There was a moment in the show when I was just diggin' the music more intensely than usual and when I looked up, the whole band was visibly diggin' into it, too.

Making great music, creating those grooves, that's where I want to be musically.


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