The Silver Turtle

Saturday, January 19, 2008

random ramblings

Wow. 4 weeks since my last post. I find that I log in just long enough to skim over my blogroll, maybe comment once or twice, and then it's off to the next thing.

But I have managed to squeeze in some cool real life fun, at least:

1. I'm working on a couple submissions to the Great Crayon Experience. I'll have to drop my finished pieces in the mail by Monday. (Bonus: The exhibit is on my birthday). Yay Art!

2. I finally was able to rejoin my flickr meetup group for an event today. We toured the Southern Theatre. I have 95 photos to go through - I'll probably find about 5 worth posting.

3. My quintet has a couple weddings on the horizon for 2008 already, and we're talking about a demo by the end of March *fingers crossed*. My dixieland combo has a gig in a couple weeks which may include live recording. Yay Music!

4. Flogging Molly concert the day after my birthday - in a few short weeks

I'm off to see The Spikedrivers @ Rumba Cafe tonight - come out and join us!

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  • Hadn't heard of the Experiment will check it out in more detail.

    Glad to hear the details.

    By Blogger Helen, at 12:17 PM  

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