The Silver Turtle

Sunday, November 14, 2004

musicians' woes

My absolute favorite thing to be doing is playing music. There's nothing more exciting than making music with a few other people who are as into it as you are.

I play a church gig at Christmas - something I've done off & on for several years. There are always regular church members & a few hired hands like myself, so every year there are some new faces amidst the old.

This year That Guy has joined us. That Guy in these circumstances being the guy who is obnoxiously conceited about his ability. He's above average, but not great. And these are always the people with the attitudes - the strange need to prove themselves even though they already got the job. If he would just concentrate on his job, he'd be much more tolerable.

This weekend's rehersal was one of the worst I've ever sat through. I had That Guy sitting behind me along with a choir full of chatty church ladies. Every time the music stopped I had the annoying buzzing in my ear of the women who don't get it but I have something to say about everything and That Guy who is working out the solo he wrote himself- something no one asked him to do.

One of the most talented people I've played with in years also sits in this orchestra regularlry. He's really amazing. And equally humble- he just loves playing music, too. I just want to play some music and enjoy it.


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