The Silver Turtle

Thursday, December 23, 2004


In my last post I wrote about my absolutely wonderful tuba. This post is about my bass- which I adore- and reasons for wanting other ones.

My bass really is great, especially for a first bass. I bought it from some random guy on the web (who has turned into a really rad friend) and was lucky to get the quality I got for the money I spent. It's got a killer low end, a fast neck, and I can coax a few different tones out of it. I can slap & pop if I want, or just make it growl.

But there are so many other basses out there with other features that are enticing. And they produce such different sounds. It seems that most bass players have a main bass and a back up bass, and maybe a few others depending on their income. Different strings, different pickups, different woods... there's so much to choose from!

I already know that in my next bass I want a maple fretboard, probably 5 strings, but I'm not sure if I'd prefer jazz or precision style... or maybe a Stingray... It's not like I need another bass. It would just be fun. At least I want a bass that's quite different from the one I have now & would give me quite different results. I have met people with 2 or 3 basses that are almost the same.

Maybe I'll find a perfect bass one day and not want any others. With all of the variety that's not likely, though.


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