web design woes
I've taught myself some basic-to-intermediate web design and development over the years. This used to be really easy, when everything was just HTML based and the most complicated things were tables and frames. Especially since "teaching myself" mostly meant I would skim a tutorial, not absorb much, then find a web page with the effect I wanted. Then I'd just view the page source and figure out what the author did to get that effect and duplicate it.
So about a year or more ago I decided to learn CSS, because it really is awesome. Except I didn't learn it, I skimmed enough stuff online to make the web site work how I wanted (and since I wanted really basic, it was extra easy). Again, I didn't absorb anything.
I'm working on another project, and really sort of need those pull-down navigation menus for this particular site, because there's a LOT of stuff on it. After spending a whole hour or more skimming articles and copying&pasting examples, I still haven't figured it out. And I'm bored with trying to figure it out. (ADHD at it's finest - I super obsess, but when I'm done I'm done).
I really need to get this project done.
So, basically, if you understood anything in this post and can say "oh yeah, you just need to add this magic codey stuff" or otherwise speak words of wisdom - leave me a comment or something. I'll send you good karma vibes in return.
So about a year or more ago I decided to learn CSS, because it really is awesome. Except I didn't learn it, I skimmed enough stuff online to make the web site work how I wanted (and since I wanted really basic, it was extra easy). Again, I didn't absorb anything.
I'm working on another project, and really sort of need those pull-down navigation menus for this particular site, because there's a LOT of stuff on it. After spending a whole hour or more skimming articles and copying&pasting examples, I still haven't figured it out. And I'm bored with trying to figure it out. (ADHD at it's finest - I super obsess, but when I'm done I'm done).
I really need to get this project done.
So, basically, if you understood anything in this post and can say "oh yeah, you just need to add this magic codey stuff" or otherwise speak words of wisdom - leave me a comment or something. I'll send you good karma vibes in return.
Sorry...I can only commiserate and feel your pain.
FreedomGirl, at 3:29 PM
should be lots of free code out there. I search google for it, or you can try DevGuru.com. Good luck.
Shamus O'Drunkahan, at 9:18 PM
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