I caught the tail-end of that segment last week. I was just so disgusted by the fact that these little girls are going to be brainwashed into thinking "Hey, this is OK." Those little girls are going to get a rude awakening one of these days & it's not going to be a moment where they just come to the realization that the creed they are preaching is an uneducated & unfounded belief system.
This is one of the many reasons why I am sooo against home schooling. Here's my others:
A.) It limits your interaction with your individual peers. I really believe this is crucial to a child & teenager's development. Yeah, your teenage years are crappy, but you learn from those experiences. I can speak from first hand experience when we first started at Capital. My educational experience of attending single-sex, all-girls school, was important to my educational developement, but, it stunted my experience of being around men. I was 18 & how I would react to guys talking to me was like that of a 13 year old. Now granted, I wasn't afraid to challenge those guys in an academic arena, but the idea of being involved with them on a personal level was mind-blowing. I honestly don't think I grew out of it until I met Tom. And that was just because I thought he was gay & therefore 'non-threatening' to my ego.
B.) Yes, the state can set guidelines & 'benchmarks' that need to be met; but in a home schooled environment, you are only being exposed to one person's viewpoint & if that viewpoint is, for example, 'Kill all kittens, because they have claws.' you are going to accept this viewpoint as the gospel truth, because no one has challenged you otherwise.
People in America just need to get over the fact that in about 50 years from now, we're all going to be mutts. It's just human nature & how civilization works. The English are not 100% Celt. They have a little Norse, some Anglo-Saxon, & a whole bunch of other nationalities, along with their Celtic ancestry. Just get over it America!
I am very strongly anti-homeschooling, with very few, if any, exceptions. In addition to your reasons (which are also 2 of mine) I have these 2 to add:
C.)In order for someone to be qualified to teach the future of America, they have to go through 4-5 years of undergrad school. Then they have to take additional courses, that address not only the subjects they teach, but how to recognize and handle other varios issues teachers have to deal with. They may be required to attain a Masters degree. (And in the state of Ohio, it's freakin' crazy to get and stay licensed to teach for $40k a year or whatever).
But, apparently, if you are capable of squeezing out a baby, you suddenly have all of this knowledge required to educate them
D.) Schools need parents who are involved in their childrens' education. Especially public schools. When parents pull their kids out for homeschooling or alternative schools, they also quit being involved in their local public school. Yes, a few parents are more involved than the majority. But that's why it's even more important to invest in your local public schools. Those kids need you, and one day you will be relying on them. They deserve the best education possible, and they don't get it when the few people with the means to give a little extra pull themselves out of the school environment.
Blaine saw the segment with me and it made her angry. "Their message is wrong, Mom....and they suck, anyway. I could totally kick their butts playing guitar...I write better songs, too. None of that white power crud"
I'm leaving those links up. The easiest way for people to find out what a horrible message those girls (via their parents) are spreading is to let people read and see for themselves.
FG - Blaine sounds like an awesome kid. In part thanks to her mom, I'm sure.
Oh, and the fact that their album is called "blonde hair blue eyes" is just funny. And the fact they're dressed like the Sound of Music
"'And then finally I want to say that we need one idea, and we're not thinking about a solution to the problem. ... And the one idea is: How are we going to exterminate white people, because that, in my estimation, is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem. [A few in the audience applaud tepidly.] Now I don't care whether you clap or not, but I'm saying to you that we need to solve this problem, because they are going to kill us.'
First let me say this, Do not let one homeschool family lead you to think that all homeschoolers are extremists. Just because the group Prussian Blue is wrong in what they sing does not mean that their mother was wrong to homeschool them. I am homeschooled and I would not have it any other way. I am an ambitious 17 year old on my way to college. Being homeschooled has let me go at my own pace- a fast one. If I was in public school I would only be a junior. My curriculum is sent to us through a private school in northern IL. I do the work, send it to them they grade it, and I get a report card later. I have official high school transcripts that are sent to the colleges I am applying to. Let me say why I disagree with each of the points that have been made: A) We are not socially inept. I am a high school senior going to college next fall. I have no problems talking with guys or anyone else for that matter.
B)Yes my parents are my teachers but that does not mean I believe everything they believe. I do not hold all the same viewpoints as my parents. I am not a puppet for my parents to maneuver. My parents respect me even though I disagree with them. Their views are not forced on me.
C)Just because somebody does not have a degree does not mean that they are not smart. Neither of my parents graduated from college yet I am graduating with a 3.8 GPA. And no this is not biased. My school work gets sent to a private school and they grade it and have official transcripts. I teach myself alot of my subjects through assigned books, internet research, articles, and additional books.
D)What does that have to do with homeschoolers? Parents who have children in public school do need to get more involved. But why are you complaining about homeschoolers not doing their part? If one of my siblings is in a (public) school activity my parents are the first people to volunteer to help.
Let me say this, homeschoolers do not lack ANYTHING. They are just as social, and smart as anyone.
Good luck next year at college. I hope it's a great, eye-opening experience for you.
I'm still against home schooling. (I'm also against chartering schooling. And not a huge fan of private schools.) And (at least in Ohio) the way our public school are run and funded is so horribly wrong.
I should really do a mini-blog-series on SilverTurtle's Education Theory.
My thoughts and opinions are way too in-depth to get into in the comments of this post.
I have my ACT scores, been accepted to my top pick in schools and I am so ready. You probably think that I will be totally shell shocked. It will be different, but I look forward to being in a classroom setting. I am already corresponding with my professor and look forward to learning all the school has to teach me.
Congrats on getting in to college. I don't know if you'll be "shell-shocked", but it will definately be a different experience for you. And that's a good thing.
I'm glad you made me dig all the way back to my October posts, because it reminded me to blog about "Silver Turtle's Education Theory".
The fact you came back to post points out how you react to someone disagreeing with you: you can't let it go (after 2 months! I forgot all about this post! it's the internet!)
Just because someone disagrees with your ideas, it doesn't make your ideas any less valid, nor theirs. It doesn't mean they don't like you. It doesn't mean anything other than they have a different idea/value system than you do. Don't let it get in the way of making friends in college. And good luck with everything.
adventures of one little turtle in a big medium-sized city; including but not limited to: music, tuba playing, bass playing, photography, politics, religion, and general randomness
I caught the tail-end of that segment last week. I was just so disgusted by the fact that these little girls are going to be brainwashed into thinking "Hey, this is OK." Those little girls are going to get a rude awakening one of these days & it's not going to be a moment where they just come to the realization that the creed they are preaching is an uneducated & unfounded belief system.
This is one of the many reasons why I am sooo against home schooling. Here's my others:
A.) It limits your interaction with your individual peers. I really believe this is crucial to a child & teenager's development. Yeah, your teenage years are crappy, but you learn from those experiences. I can speak from first hand experience when we first started at Capital. My educational experience of attending single-sex, all-girls school, was important to my educational developement, but, it stunted my experience of being around men. I was 18 & how I would react to guys talking to me was like that of a 13 year old. Now granted, I wasn't afraid to challenge those guys in an academic arena, but the idea of being involved with them on a personal level was mind-blowing. I honestly don't think I grew out of it until I met Tom. And that was just because I thought he was gay & therefore 'non-threatening' to my ego.
B.) Yes, the state can set guidelines & 'benchmarks' that need to be met; but in a home schooled environment, you are only being exposed to one person's viewpoint & if that viewpoint is, for example, 'Kill all kittens, because they have claws.' you are going to accept this viewpoint as the gospel truth, because no one has challenged you otherwise.
People in America just need to get over the fact that in about 50 years from now, we're all going to be mutts. It's just human nature & how civilization works. The English are not 100% Celt. They have a little Norse, some Anglo-Saxon, & a whole bunch of other nationalities, along with their Celtic ancestry. Just get over it America!
--copy princess
Anonymous, at 10:38 AM
I am very strongly anti-homeschooling, with very few, if any, exceptions. In addition to your reasons (which are also 2 of mine) I have these 2 to add:
C.)In order for someone to be qualified to teach the future of America, they have to go through 4-5 years of undergrad school. Then they have to take additional courses, that address not only the subjects they teach, but how to recognize and handle other varios issues teachers have to deal with. They may be required to attain a Masters degree. (And in the state of Ohio, it's freakin' crazy to get and stay licensed to teach for $40k a year or whatever).
But, apparently, if you are capable of squeezing out a baby, you suddenly have all of this knowledge required to educate them
D.) Schools need parents who are involved in their childrens' education. Especially public schools. When parents pull their kids out for homeschooling or alternative schools, they also quit being involved in their local public school. Yes, a few parents are more involved than the majority. But that's why it's even more important to invest in your local public schools. Those kids need you, and one day you will be relying on them. They deserve the best education possible, and they don't get it when the few people with the means to give a little extra pull themselves out of the school environment.
Silver Turtle, at 5:24 PM
Blaine saw the segment with me and it made her angry. "Their message is wrong, Mom....and they suck, anyway. I could totally kick their butts playing guitar...I write better songs, too. None of that white power crud"
That is EXACTLY what I'm counting on.
FreedomGirl, at 11:28 PM
Hey Anon...you are so proud of who you are and what you stand for, but cannot leave your name? Coward.
FreedomGirl, at 11:42 PM
I just reviewed all those sites...makes me want to vomit.
FreedomGirl, at 11:50 PM
I'm leaving those links up. The easiest way for people to find out what a horrible message those girls (via their parents) are spreading is to let people read and see for themselves.
FG - Blaine sounds like an awesome kid. In part thanks to her mom, I'm sure.
Oh, and the fact that their album is called "blonde hair blue eyes" is just funny. And the fact they're dressed like the Sound of Music
Silver Turtle, at 7:45 AM
I'm just interested to see if anyone *coughwalmartcough* will sell it.
acw, at 9:03 AM
Huh. Is this what race relations have come to?
These two are almost as bad as this guy:
"'And then finally I want to say that we need one idea, and we're not thinking about a solution to the problem. ... And the one idea is: How are we going to exterminate white people, because that, in my estimation, is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem. [A few in the audience applaud tepidly.] Now I don't care whether you clap or not, but I'm saying to you that we need to solve this problem, because they are going to kill us.'
NWJR, at 3:05 PM
First let me say this, Do not let one homeschool family lead you to think that all homeschoolers are extremists. Just because the group Prussian Blue is wrong in what they sing does not mean that their mother was wrong to homeschool them. I am homeschooled and I would not have it any other way. I am an ambitious 17 year old on my way to college. Being homeschooled has let me go at my own pace- a fast one. If I was in public school I would only be a junior. My curriculum is sent to us through a private school in northern IL. I do the work, send it to them they grade it, and I get a report card later. I have official high school transcripts that are sent to the colleges I am applying to. Let me say why I disagree with each of the points that have been made:
A) We are not socially inept. I am a high school senior going to college next fall. I have no problems talking with guys or anyone else for that matter.
B)Yes my parents are my teachers but that does not mean I believe everything they believe. I do not hold all the same viewpoints as my parents. I am not a puppet for my parents to maneuver. My parents respect me even though I disagree with them. Their views are not forced on me.
C)Just because somebody does not have a degree does not mean that they are not smart. Neither of my parents graduated from college yet I am graduating with a 3.8 GPA. And no this is not biased. My school work gets sent to a private school and they grade it and have official transcripts. I teach myself alot of my subjects through assigned books, internet research, articles, and additional books.
D)What does that have to do with homeschoolers? Parents who have children in public school do need to get more involved. But why are you complaining about homeschoolers not doing their part? If one of my siblings is in a (public) school activity my parents are the first people to volunteer to help.
Let me say this, homeschoolers do not lack ANYTHING. They are just as social, and smart as anyone.
Anonymous, at 6:59 PM
Good luck next year at college. I hope it's a great, eye-opening experience for you.
I'm still against home schooling. (I'm also against chartering schooling. And not a huge fan of private schools.) And (at least in Ohio) the way our public school are run and funded is so horribly wrong.
I should really do a mini-blog-series on SilverTurtle's Education Theory.
My thoughts and opinions are way too in-depth to get into in the comments of this post.
Silver Turtle, at 11:55 PM
I have my ACT scores, been accepted to my top pick in schools and I am so ready. You probably think that I will be totally shell shocked. It will be different, but I look forward to being in a classroom setting. I am already corresponding with my professor and look forward to learning all the school has to teach me.
I will keep you updated on my days in college.
Anonymous, at 12:50 PM
Congrats on getting in to college. I don't know if you'll be "shell-shocked", but it will definately be a different experience for you. And that's a good thing.
I'm glad you made me dig all the way back to my October posts, because it reminded me to blog about "Silver Turtle's Education Theory".
The fact you came back to post points out how you react to someone disagreeing with you: you can't let it go (after 2 months! I forgot all about this post! it's the internet!)
Just because someone disagrees with your ideas, it doesn't make your ideas any less valid, nor theirs. It doesn't mean they don't like you. It doesn't mean anything other than they have a different idea/value system than you do. Don't let it get in the way of making friends in college. And good luck with everything.
Silver Turtle, at 10:36 AM
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