The Silver Turtle

Sunday, July 30, 2006


I really hate obnoxious morning radio shows. Which means I don't listen to them, which also means I almost missed the phenomenon that is yeah toast!. Lucky for me my friend Josh played the song.

And here are two videos of it:

"fan" vid using the Bob & Tom version

live version of Heywood Banks

mmmmm... toast.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

bad day / good day

the bad day part:

Monday I discovered my bike was stolen. I had been looking forward to riding it this weekend, and in a few weeks when I'm back at my regular office, riding it to work. At least it was only a $64 bike.

the good day part:

Monday evening I went out and shot some digital film footage with a couple friends. Brent and I are writing, directing, editing, and scoring a film. And since neither of us has actually done any of that before, we decided to start practicing. We were able to drag along Bob, who is definately the best actor among us. We did a little chase scene that ended in a knife fight and were able to edit it without too much difficulty. Once we get some shorts done I'll try to remember to post links to them.

Monday, July 24, 2006

musical weekend

I spent the entire past weekend with friends and colleagues who dance, sing, paint, write, play, and generally create music and art.

You may have deduced from reading this blog that I'm a bit of a geek, and especially so when it comes to music.

So one of the best parts of the weekend for me was hearing some "new" classical music. Specifically, John Clare performed some pretty radical stuff. Including John Cage's 4'33". And some of his own stuff, traditional and electronic. There was also some humorous drama, some celtic dancing, and at one point some square dancing with our own live fiddle and square dance caller.

So now I'm entirely geeked up to play some unusual stuff and instead have to head back to work tomorrow.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

posting & a snake

I know, I know. I almost never post. I promise I'll get back to it eventually. But to hold you over, here's a photo of my sister, me, and a big snake. I think it's a python. It's 7 feet long, and it was heavy.

ooooh a snake!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

summer slackin'

I just thought I'd check in and let everyone know I'm still alive. What can I say - it's finally summer... so I'm either outside; taking photos or riding my bike or whatever or if I'm inside (and not working) I'm probably playing music or watching movies.

I did finally get my latino fest photos up. I've got ComFest photos coming, and the Doo Dah Parade is Tuesday, which I'm going to try and photograph.