The Silver Turtle

Thursday, April 26, 2007

predicting the future

What kind of things do we dream of in our futures? What will come true?

Here's a little compilation that originally ran in Ladie's Home Journal in 1900.

It's equally interesting and amazing what they had right and what they had wrong.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

fantastic grilled cheese

Last night, after an extensive rehearsal, one of my band mates and myself went down to Victorian's Midnight Cafe to check out the open mike.

We hit the tail end, and being a Wednesday night, there wasn't much of an audience. But there was some talent; a young pianist who may or may not be named Dave, a couple guitar players who's names I didn't catch. And we scoped the area for the potential of our band (the brass quintet) playing there. It's a little odd to think of a traditionally classical chamber group hitting up open mics. But this is why I love music - it spans people and places and genres.

But this post is actually about the food at Vic's. Specifically, the most wonderful grilled concoction ever made. Not just a grilled cheese sandwich, but one with a name like "Connie's Grilled Cheese" (or maybe it was Carol or Annie or some other girl with great vision and taste).

The 9 grain bread was grilled perfectly. In between the two slices I found three cheeses; American, Swiss, and cream. Added to this were onions and sliced jalepenos*. Delectable doesn't begin to cover it.

My bottle of blueberry apple juice was a nice complement to the sandwich.

I did not expect to find such heaven in one little sandwich.

*It also comes with tomato, which I don't like.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

that didn't take long

Read Previous Post.

Now Click Here.

This is what happens when a geeky musicgeek like myself finds 20 minutes to spare. And coerces her friends into taking over the interwebs via a rad new music blog site.

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

music ramblings

I was just reading an article on Iggy Pop in my Rolling Stone magazine (which I don't subscribe to and definately wouldn't pay for but for some reason receive every month) and thinking that a few of my friends and I should start a music blog/ezine thingy with good music news, and reviews of little-heard bands, and cover all of the vast styles of music we all love, and base it all on the goodness of the music, not the goodness of the marketing.

Between STB, Charlotte, and myself alone we would pretty much cover every possible genre except true country and death metal (and we'd probably still delve into those a little anyway). Utilizing friends in different parts of the country we would get a lot of local and regional coverage. I even know some people from different parts of the world who could share info on world music. You could be a guest writer. We could post conflicting opinions, promote the good stuff, turn people onto new music....

This crazy idea is also inspired by my new love - a 30gig ipod. I have a 1st generation shuffle, which has brought me much joy considering it is an inanimate object. I'm just beginning to tap into the full power of my shiny new ipod. (If you hate ipods, and prefer your digital audio player of choice - that's totally cool with me. The point is that little mp3 players = awesomeness.)

I just might coax some friends into this little project...

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Sunday, April 01, 2007


Last week was weird - it was sort of like being on vacation and sort of completely overwhelming and exhausting and sort of surreal all at the same time. My brain feels a little fuzzy.

I put in 10+ hour days at work, and didn't really mind too much.

The weather was surprisingly gorgeous all week.

Charlotte, one of my BFFs, was in town all week, so I spent a lot of time playing with her.

I didn't really like the new episode of House all that much (relative to other episodes of House).

I finally ate at a Cameron Mitchell restaurant. I enjoyed it; it was a little different, the service was good, and the food was quite good.

My brass quintet confirmed our first gig. It's a volunteer thing and it's in front of a lot of people. So we really do need to decided on a name so we can use the opportunity to promote the heck out of ourselves.

Saturday Charlotte and I went to play in the apple store. My intention was to drool over the macbooks. I walked out with a 5th generation 30g ipod. Then 3 hours later I realized that I forgot I get a corporate discount. So maybe next week I'll go back and see if they'll apply it.

Saturday night we went to Mac's, one of our favorite local pubs, with some friends. Then Charlotte had a tattoo appointment (her second one - to celebrate turning 30 this year). We went to Fate Tattoo. Her artist was named Shannon. Her tattoo is an Innuit moon on her shoulder blade. (Her first tattoo was/is a sun). The tattoo is beautiful. The artist was super nice and funny and talented. The prices were reasonable. I know where I'm going to get my tattoo.

I'll probably see Charlotte off sometime this early afternoon. Then I have quintet rehearsal. Then it's back to life as normal. I think.

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