choose your own adventure: cars
You have a 1996 Buick Regal. A couple years ago some crazy old lady ran a stop sign in front of you on a major road and caused you front end damage. The car was totalled, but you got to keep it and quit making car payments. You've spent at least $3000 over the past few years to keep it running. It needs about $1100 worth of work on the struts and alignment and etc. It has just over 100,000 miles (60,000 of which you are responsible for).
Your coworker announces she has a 1991 Lincoln Towncar she's considering selling. (She and her husband have 3 cars for some unknown reason). She is the original owner. It was in a parking lot fender bender recently, but no damage. The car is driven occassionally to go out, and once a year it makes a roundtrip from Ohio to Florida and back. Which means it has almost 200,000 miles. Your coworker is super-responsible and the car has had regular maintenance over the past 15 years. She's asking $2000, but because of the mileage you think you could talk them down to $1700 or $1800. Then you just have to switch your insurance, buy new plates, and figure out what to do with your old Buick.
Choose your own adventure:
Fix the Buick
Buy the Lincoln
Your coworker announces she has a 1991 Lincoln Towncar she's considering selling. (She and her husband have 3 cars for some unknown reason). She is the original owner. It was in a parking lot fender bender recently, but no damage. The car is driven occassionally to go out, and once a year it makes a roundtrip from Ohio to Florida and back. Which means it has almost 200,000 miles. Your coworker is super-responsible and the car has had regular maintenance over the past 15 years. She's asking $2000, but because of the mileage you think you could talk them down to $1700 or $1800. Then you just have to switch your insurance, buy new plates, and figure out what to do with your old Buick.
Choose your own adventure:
Fix the Buick
Buy the Lincoln
The devil you know is better then the devil you don't know.
Aw, screw it, get the Lincoln!
Shamus O'Drunkahan, at 9:39 PM
I hate this book. Where are the cool exciting choices like "buy a motorcycle" or "pimp the buick"?
Personally my days of used cars with questionable origins are over. I doubt I'll ever buy an american auto again, mostly because my experience is that I have to put more money in them to keep them running than the vehicle is ever worth.
I got to the point where I said Uncle, and owned 2 cars for a while. (a long while) I let the American one rot and rust (cause it was doing that anyway, whether I was driving it or not) and the little foreign one has been rock solid.
Anonymous, at 11:47 AM
Screw them both, buy a Honda or Toyota with 200,000 miles and ride it for another 200,000.
acw, at 1:34 PM
I'll agree with anonymouscoworker. You can't go wrong with a Honda or a Toyota.
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM
I've been saying I was going to buy a Honda for years. I could put a nice downpayment on one and I'm positive it would run for like 400,000 miles with regular oil changes.
But you know, I really enjoy not having to make car payments.
I think I'm going to keep the Buick. In 3 months or so when I'm whining about my car sucking, you can all reference this post and say "I told you so".
Oh - and I would love a motorcylce. My dad rides, and I had dirtbikes growing up. They're not really practical for lugging tuba/basses/bass amps/random gear/etc. around, though. Especially from about October-March with random snow and ice storms.
Silver Turtle, at 7:06 PM
Skip both land yachts and get a scooter, then make friends with a van owner for tuba gigs!
FreedomGirl, at 12:21 PM
Oct-Mar.....two words...
rain gear.
FreedomGirl, at 12:22 PM
Hey, I'm in a band and I drive a Miata. It's basically a motorcycle with 2 extra wheels.
You've gotta make sacrifices!
Anonymous, at 12:22 PM
charles - you play guitar in a band. Which is great and all, but it's a wee bit smaller than my gear. Have you ever seen my tuba in its case? It's too big to fit in my trunk - and that's a Buick! And bass gear is big, too, but usually it's in 2 or 3 pieces.
Silver Turtle, at 8:20 AM
Well as I've learned lately, it's best to judge things based on mascot. So president of the US vs...uh, whatever the hell a Buick is.
I think we know who wins.
MooCow, at 1:11 AM
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